The Road to Rectitude

(4 minute read)
I've never been much of a reader. The only book I have read intently AND finished was Daniel Defoe's 1719 hit "Robinson Crusoe" back in fifth grade. And I only did it because I had just learned how and felt I needed to exercise my new skill. (I know, talking with me you would have never guessed I don't do any of that book learnin... 😐)
 My mind works fast. I am constantly in my head and if something isn't firing off more than one or two senses my brain gets bored and I start to ponder what life would be like if rain was hot. Or what I said at dinner in 1995, its exhausting. Some would say this is a form of attention deficit disorder but its whatever, shut up...
If you have followed my story, you know that for a real addict, sobriety is incredibly hard to obtain. And NOT for lack of trying, conviction, or determination. In my drunkenness, my heart broke for sobriety. I cried and pleaded and scratched and clawed to obtain it. Only to lose it hopelessly and dumbfoundingly. Unfortunately, when an addict loses their sobriety, its not the only thing to go. Kids, spouses, houses, cars, money, jobs, and friends all tend to follow suite; understandably so. 
 Fact: Only 1 in 10 people who suffer from substance abuse actually seek help and go to treatment. Those that go, roughly 75% actually complete the program. Of that 75% only 1 in 2 will stay sober the first year.
 Read that again.
There is a disconnect for freshman in recovery, and its not really their fault. A lot happens in rehab for those of you who have never been. Once the patient has been detoxed(not a fun experience), the center begins intensive inpatient treatment, and "intensive" is an understatement. There are typically 3-5 meetings each day that resemble a college class. There is AA and NA meetings you're required to go to. There are regular meetings with the doctor, psychologist, billing counselors and exit counseling. There are required wellness and mindfulness classes, yoga and ten million other things... It's work. When you leave, you are definitely burnt out, tired, and overwhelmed.
Enter audible. 
I discovered Audible fresh out of treatment. It is a book store app where the books are all in spoken word. If it wasn't for audible, I probably would have never been exposed to books like "miracle morning" or "unfu*k yourself". Or a book by Sir John Hargrave called "mind hacking" to which I owe a LOT of my recovery to. Audible bridged the educational gap between the clinical world and real life.
And that got me thinking...
I would like to provide an attractive alternative to "book learnin😐." Something that grants addicts access to the tools they need to protect their sobriety in its infancy. Something GIVEN, because more than likely, the curse of addiction has already TAKEN so much from them.
Housing men and women who suffer from substance abuse is not enough... To KEEP them sober we need to educate and inspire them. We need to give them 👏EVERY👏SINGLE👏TOOL👏POSSIBLE for success because their marriages, kids, friends, family, jobs, health, and lives LITERALLY DEPEND ON IT. 1 out of 2, of 75%, of 10% is awful, we need to do something to up those numbers, those are rookie numbers.
I have created a conduit for all of us to get involved. What I really love about this, is it hits two birds with one stone(er😏). Meaning, when you participate in what I have affectionately titled "The Rhythm Initiative" by purchasing this Audible membership for an addict from my website. Half the money buys the product for the addict and the other half goes into maintaining the facility. 
Also, when you purchase my merch, 100% of the profits go into maintaining the facility. 
So let me be extremely clear... 100% of the money you spend on my website goes to benefit addicts. I have a regular job, I will be taking zero profits. I plan on continuing to work my 9-5 while on this endeavor so every cent goes where it should, helping people who suffer from substance abuse. 

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