Table for one.

A recurring theme I experience helping people in recovery is the ever-present snare of reservations. Here is a good example...

"Nathan, my life is a mess, I know I have a problem and that its ruining my life. I can't afford rent this month, my girlfriend just left me, and I'm depressed all the time. I'll dO aNytHinG tO gEt sOber!"

I will then say "your best bet is to go to inpatient treatment. You will get reestablished and centered. And they will teach you how to prevent this from happening again."
To which they always respond with... "weeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll its not that bad. I think I can handle this, I'm just going to limit my drinking to a set amount each day and reduce the amount over time. I still have to go to work."
So... wait... You just asked me how to fix your problem, to which I gave you a definitive answer. But its not what you want so you spit rationalizations. And your plan is literally to "just drink less over time". How's that been working for you so far?
🤷‍♂️Thats not addict behavior at all😐
One of my stints in rehab I was speaking with financial services and they were going over the possibility of the cost of treatment being north of $17,000. 
"Thats a LOT of money." I said.
They fired back with "How much is your life worth to you?" 
😐... 😑 fuck. 
Here's some info/facts that I may or may not get into trouble sharing. But, its stuff you should know if you're contemplating going to treatment, so ima share.
-You can not get fired for going to your employer and telling them you're going to treatment. Its against the law. You CAN get fired for continuing to show up drunk or hung over. You will be surprised how supportive they will be, trust me.
- Every treatment center will work with you on paying, and its typically postponed until after you've stabilized a few months down the road.
- This will probably get me in trouble but, Inpatient facilities typically never report your delinquencies. As long as you pay SOMETHING (like $10 a month) you'll be golden. Forever.
- Nobody has ever said "dang, I wish I hadn't gone to treatment." Ever.
- Treatment centers are mostly owned, operated, and staffed with people like me who have a heart for people struggling with mental illness. We will pull strings for you to get your life in order. Bet.
Take your reservations and throw them away. You will be mad you waited so long. 

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